
Muscle Twitching Concerns for Dog Parents

Posted by Dr. Roth on

Border Collie, muscle twitching concerns for dog parents

Dog parents might notice their dog twitching at times. Unfortunately, dogs cannot tell their pet parent why they are twitching, leaving the dog parent to speculate as to what the problem could possibly be.

Most of the time, dog twitching is normal and not a cause for concern. However, other times dog twitching is an indication of a severe health problem.

Muscle Twitching Concerns for Dog Parents

‌Some of the more known reasons for dog twitching can range from normal behaviors to severe dog health conditions. The following list breaks down some of the more common reasons a dog may shake or tremor.  ‌

  • Anxiety Disorders: Dogs can experience different types of anxiety disorders, the most common being separation anxiety. When dogs get anxious, they may shake or tremble, excessively lick themselves, and chew on everything. 
  • Abuse: If a dog has been abused in the past, it may experience post-traumatic stress syndrome, which will cause them to shake.
  • Arthritis: The disease is more common in older dogs. Certain large breeds are more prone to arthritis in their hips. Arthritis can be excruciating and cause the dog to twitch.
  • Diabetes: Dog tremors can occur if a dog stops producing insulin and develops diabetes. 
  • Dreaming: Active dreaming is a common behavior for dogs and has no reason for concern.
  • Growth Development: As a puppy or younger dog experiences growth spurts, they are prone to twitching. 
  • Physical Injury or Trauma: If a dog is injured, their bodies may begin to shake.
  • Poisoning: Toxins can affect the nervous system and cause the dog to begin seizing. 
  • Seizure Disorder: A singular seizure event can be caused by various conditions that impact the nervous system. If the dog begins having regular or frequent seizures, then they likely have epilepsy.
  • Stress: Many factors can contribute to a dog's stress level. Everything from thunderstorms to strangers or a new environment is stressful to a dog. Extreme stress can cause dog tremors. 

When to Call the Vet

Anytime a dog parent is concerned about their dog's health, they should contact their vet. Additional symptoms that can indicate a severe medical problem are:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Difficulty using the bathroom

‌If a twitching dog is experiencing any of these symptoms, the pet parent should contact a vet immediately. 

Treatments for Dog Tremors

A vet will first need to establish the cause of the twitching. Then, they can make a dog health care plan. Some treatment options can include:

  • A combination of pain medication supplements for joint health for dogs.  
  • A prescription for insulin for diabetes.
  • Anti-anxiety medications to treat anxiety disorders or stress.
  • Critical care treatment with fluids and charcoal if the dog were exposed to a toxin. 

For More Information on Dog Twitching

A pet parent should speak to their vet about any concerns they have about their dog's health. 

Fuzzy members can reach out to the Fuzzy Vet Team 24/7 to get all of their dog health and wellness questions answered. 


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